All Hackathons
won and been part of
HackGT 9 – Georgia TechSponsored byHexLabsHackathon inOctober 2022Built “Happy Heart,” a Machine Learning-powered web app that predicts heart disease risk with 86% accuracy and connects users to nearby doctors in real-time using Flask, scikit-learn, Selenium, and Google Maps API.Achievement:FinalistBeautifulSoupCSSData CleaningFlaskGoogle Maps APIHTML
KSU 2022 HackathonSponsored byLexisNexis HPCC SystemsHackathon inMarch 2022Developed an AI-driven Youth-Mentor Matching System, leveraging Enterprise Control Language (ECL) and advanced data structures, optimizing mentor assignments at scale.Achievement:3rd place winnerAIEnterprise Control LanguageHPCCMatching System
HackGT C++ ChallengeSponsored byHexLabsHackathon inDecember 2021Participated in HackGT C++ Metaprogramming Challenge, implementing compile-time logic using template metaprogramming for architecture detection, loop unrolling, and matrix operations.
HackGT CSS Vector Art ChallengeSponsored byHexLabsHackathon inNovember 2021Designed an animated Halloween-themed owl using linear-gradient, radial-gradient, clip-path, and keyframes, with smooth blinking effects.Achievement:3rd place winner
HackGT 8 – Georgia TechSponsored byHexLabsHackathon inOctober 2021Mentored participants at HackGT 8, assisting with debugging, optimizing code, and guiding students through their hackathon projects.Achievement:MentorCodingCommunicationMentoringOptimizationProblem-solvingPython
KSU 2021 HackathonSponsored byMicrosoftHackathon inOctober 2021Built a Deep Learning-based AI search engine in 48 hours, outperforming 100+ participants and earning recognition from MicrosoftAchievement:1st Place WinnerAIApproximate Nearest NeighborDeep LearningSearch EngineUniversal Sentence EncoderWord Embeddings
GMTK Game Jam 2019Sponsored byGMTKHackathon inAugust 2019Developed “Funky Taps” as a programmer in GMTK Game Jam 2019, collaborating with an international team of artists and musicians whom I had never met before.Achievement:ParticipantC#DesignGame DevelopmentGame JamTeamworkUnity3D